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Image by Joseph Barrientos

                                                                    PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC POST-EDUCATION IN THE
​Our world is characterized by ecological and social challenges, as well as major technological changes. Only a community with exceptional creative skills can thrive in such conditions. It also takes imagination, the capacity for new intuitive insight into what is not yet fully known, the capacity to dream, and especially the capacity to engage in a deep and free flow of creative collaboration.

Soma-Topos offers an innovative and effective approach to change, at all levels of a living human system (the individual, the individual as a team member, the culture of the organization as a whole). Using methods and tools of inquiry, based on the body and energy in the here and now, he offers a map to explain the events that arise within human systems and determines what needs to happen next to bring about change.

We have created a complex experiential psychotherapeutic post-training with a focus on the body and life force energy, the Systemic representation and the psychodynamic field, which also includes elements of the System Center Training method and the theory of vitality forms of the psychiatrist Daniel Stern. The concept of Vital space and the connection or non-connection with the universal flow of life energy as we perceive it in the here and now are also important elements from the Aikido martial art that we incorporate into this training.

The main emphasis is on deep communication with our true self and other participants as a group system collective, through true connection, with the aim of developing true collective emotional intelligence, connecting with our instinctual self and developing conscious thinking.

The program imparts experiential and theoretical knowledge, which, over time, makes it possible for each participant to implement a working framework for their development, at the same time providing them with the resources to work as an assistant counselor therapist systemic representative.

The practical objectives of the program are:

Participants will work experientially and theoretically in relation to the functions of the body as a medium a place of consciousness as it is created through processes of relation and interaction with other bodies. The transfer of true information, integration, contact with reality, our relationship with common sense, observation, expansion of perception into lucidity, frame of reference, insight and intuition are key elements of the program's training. Exploring, recognizing, developing one's special abilities and gaining the therapeutic expertise to become a true helping systemic constellator.

Resetting and creating a mechanism of self-observation (the Explorer) is also the purpose of training throughout time. That is, the development of an alert mind in the present, for self-observation while interacting with others and not a simplistic observation of the external world through our personality.

Resetting and creating a self-monitoring mechanism ​

So the first element that learning involves is to restore the relationship of the mind to the control of reality. Let's do a reality check.

The second is to restore our relationship with the sensory perception of our body, the knowledge it brings, as well as our emotional understanding.

​The third element is trying to recognize and weaken defenses against worry.

  Theory & Practice
Participants will take part in a pure experiential exploratory journey with their bodies through the practice of Systemic Representation as participants.

Through movement and connection, we learn the information that is revealed to us in this unique moment.

All education is mainly experiential.
Indicative topics:
*Vital space, forms of vitality – Morphogenetic field.
*Self-observation system - the Explorer (exploration vs. explanation).
*The present as context. Role-goal-position. Role systems. Homeostasis.
*Atropic perception. Insight-Intuition. Consonance. Coordination. Empathy.
*Help Classes - Rules - Jams - Exclusions - Transfer.
*Consciences. Guilt & Innocence. Belonging, Person, Member of Collectivity. Entirety.
*Hierarchy- Uniformity.
*Field Dynamics. Representation. Representation. Archetypes.
*Orders of love. I give and take. Companionship.
*Phylogenetic protocols. Victim-offender-perpetrator. Intergenerational trauma.

Detailed program is sent immediately after personal registration in the program.


To clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, counselors, business leaders, educators, health professionals, humanities, etc. To people

with an interest in exploring.

When: The first Saturday Sunday of every month in 2023 & 2024. ¨Beginning October 2023.

Duration: 1+1 year

Where: Athens, Gerakas Attica, Klisthenos 203 & On-Line.


Cost: 150 euros per two days plus VAT.



The training is led by Antonis Kryonis, Systems Development Consultant, Psychotherapist, Martial Arts Teacher. There are also assistant scientific collaborators.


Contact, seat reservation information: tel. 6948509300 - 2106995071 - Email:



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Kleisthenous 203 - Gerakas / Greece

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