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Antonis Kryonis,
Systems-oriented Developmental Consultant   / Psychotherapist

Our body is the topos (living space) where consciousness (sense of presence) and the life force are connected and create the experience of the world. 

Our goal at Soma topos is to understand througth therapy and practice, how to bring our energy in "here and now" and focus our attention on our goals in order to succeed them.

This could be accomplished by focusing our attention in crossing the boundaries consiously from the outside into the inside, from the past and the future into the present, from fantasies into reality, into the role of being a member of a group, and eventually as a member of humanity as a whole!

Antonis Kryonis is a Developmental Counselor - Psychotherapist and has been involved in psychotherapy and group analysis since 2000. and self-knowledge. He undertakes individual sessions, analysis groups as well as couple therapy, with the aim of resolving dysfunctional situations, better communication and expression, emotional deepening and self-knowledge.

He was trained as a Development Consultant in individual and group analysis by the Hellenic Society of Group Analysis and Psychotherapy (Haggap).

He has been systematically trained in neurolinguistic programming, a model of behavioral and communicative change and development, by NLP in Greece (NLP Practitioner Certification).

He practiced the method of systemic constellation at the Hellenic Institute of Systemic Representation Bert Hellinger.

As a psychotherapist he applies the psychodynamic model to individual and group analysis / therapy. At the same time, he uses additional elements of behavioral, cognitive and other psychotherapeutic approaches that he has been taught.

He is a member of the System Centered Training Recearch Institute - Dr. Yvonne Aghazarian, in which method he continues to be trained to the present day.

He also works as a Developmental Consultant for companies and organizations, as in addition to the relevant training, he has been the director of a commercial construction company for a long time.

At the same time with his psychotherapeutic training, he attended many specialized training seminars and training programs in areas related to: Psychosomatic Symptoms at conferences of the Hellenic Psychosomatic Society, Physical exercises for the management of emotions (Art of Living), Psychodrama (Summer Academy) Recognized by the European psychodrama company PIFE & FEPTO), Socio-drama (world conference 2015 Kos), Individual self-improvement (with the internationally recognized author Dan Milman), Business counseling based on Emotional intelligence (by the international expert Daniel Goleman). In addition he has attended seminars on system and family dynamics, the power of fairy tale and myth, dance therapy seminars (Gabrielle Roth - 5rythms system) and other seminars on the use of the body psychodynamically as a tool for communication and improvement of human beings as well as of the wider mental environment.

He has attended and participated in world and Hellenic scientific conferences related to group analysis, psychodrama - socio-drama, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders in adults and adolescents and the presentation of recent scientific research and their results. (Greece, Cyprus, Brazil).

From 1993 to 2000 he traveled to the East in search of Eastern traditions of spirituality. During this time he made several trips to India and came in contact with great teachers of that country as he participated in traditions and practices (Bakti & Gniana Yoga) throughout this period.

Since 2000 he has been actively involved in the non-violent cooperative Japanese martial art of Aikido (4th Dan). He has traveled and participated in many international seminars in several countries (Greece, France, Italy, Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Russia, Norway, Spain, Austria, Japan)

Since 2007 he had created the Aikido school in Gerakas where he teaches until today, at the same time he gives seminars in other schools as well.

In 2012 he created the Center of Consciousness and Vitality in Gerakas 139 Marathonos Avenue (Soma - Topos).

The center offers by associate Psychologists - Psychotherapists, a wide range of psychological support and psychotherapy, individual, group and counseling therapy, couple & family therapy, child psychological support to children & adolescents.

Seminars on communication, relationships, psychotherapy, psychodrama & systemic constellation are held, seminars for business or individual training of effective leadership with the use of the body as a tool of communication and awareness.

He provides the training of the international method System Centered Training of Dr. Yvonne Aghazarian for mental health professionals, consultants, business executives, etc.

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