Accelerate your psychological & spiritual awakening
We know what is needed for this purpose
These retreats are specially designed as an opportunity for the participant to gain accumulated knowledge and experiential practice in a short period of time that would otherwise take a few months to acquire.
Knowledge that sets you free
Insight leading to Self-Control
Knowledge and experiential practice liberates and brings strength. We offer a combination of psychological work that extends to our existential and spiritual experiential knowledge of the Self. We help to overcome the tendencies of aggression towards ourselves from losses and injuries of the past.
We combine the ancient knowledge of the martial arts of kinetic meditation with modern psychology science completely grounded based on reality and common sense. Spontaneity and inspiration in terms of teaching is unique and relevant to the participants in each retreat. you will have the opportunity to get final and meaningful answers to your very important questions. The insight of those who share in these rertreats can change your life.