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Vibrations & Connections
Διαπροσωπικές δυναμικές ζωτικές φόρμες επικοινωνίας

Art workshop with natural wood

Wood Carvings

    The Connections & Vibrations practice    It is a physical & psychological harmonious art practice.
It has as its foundation the psychology of sensation and perception and also the dynamics of vitality which deals with attributing to the object of art a dynamic harmonious form (dynamic form of vitality).
It is mainly organized by a group of five basic characteristics of the artist: movement, space and time, direction , intention and power. It is a functional coordination with the medium of an art object.
also assumes or awakens a high level of energy stimulation in the human system.

GOALS : It is the education that results in the systematic work through the art of a change in the artist himself through his relationship with his art object, his work.
A change that the sculptor, the ceramicist, the carpenter, the graphic designer, etc. causes when he begins to modify the dynamic formlessness of the material to lead it to the brilliance of formation in the radiant form, in the active harmonic from the potential form through which he finally discovers the position of his own radiant real Self beyond the mind and memories.
The dynamic relationship of interaction and cultivation of the physical center of life energy within the artist himself, who speaks not like a machine but through the “living” form he has captured in his creation, is also a goal.
The result is the retraining of our attention focus and a comprehensive mind that dynamically captures events.


The workshop is located in Gerakas, Attica. Pantelis Tsangaris & Antonis Kryonis welcome you to the wood workshop.

In a first part, Antonis will introduce you to the concept of transferring a value of Greek culture through the psychology of sensation & perception, the history of woodcarving in Greece and the connection of tradition with the present.

In the second, more practical part of the workshop, Pantelis will teach you and help you practically with basic woodcarving techniques to create.

Participants will have the opportunity to create their own objects, which they can take home with them.

The workshop is organized in groups of participants and the cost is 150 euros / Month, per person for one 2-hour meeting per week or for 8 hours totaly. The group is open to new members all the year.


Woodworking as a contemplative art exercise


The simple work with wood to construct a useful object refers mainly to an external purpose. Our exercise in this workshop tries to connect and reveal the way we do something, our Style, the connection with the natural way we need to do an action, an energy.

Contact with nature through the material of wood will bring us into contact and re-educate us in how to consciously connect with a natural process of existence of action, such as the processing of wood. Contact and work with wood focuses us on something practical based on the organization and concentration of our external and internal senses. Participants will acquire the knowledge for a harmonious organization of their energies, through the use of the body that the workshop presupposes.

Through practice we learn to organize our system in phases of development based on the object we want to create. This teaches us how to organize our energy developmentally. In contrast here the

instinctive energy of the body is used systematically to activate and maintain consciously

the higher centers of perception such as intuition, insight, communication, awareness, resonance, functional


There are the following basic different functional principles.

The true connection to the here & now through our body and the vital force as a living human system.

Communication as sharing & practice of interpersonal exploration in the workshop between participants.

Physical communication through art as a permanent connection with the moment in the present with the here and now.

Conscious discovery of the use of external senses in communication. Touch as a prominent sense for the experience of communication with the object and the environment, in combination with the other senses of sight, hearing, taste or smell.

Connection organization of energy based on the dynamic characteristics of changing the energy field such as movement, force, direction, space, time, position, attitude, distance, rhythm, feeling, etc.

The purpose of increasing, high energy connection through contact with the material and as an extension with nature.

The focus of participation in a carefree, thoughtful movement into the unknown that leads them spontaneously to a causeless joyful state.

Blending the real sharing as an experience of overlapping, mutual surrounding of energies without alienation or fusion.

The use of wood carving in our workshop does not refer to occupational therapy nor so much to the

usability of objects, but to the modern transfer of value as education and the integration of this traditional Greek practice of wood carving by

to today's man.

The Greek people, tied to the natural environment that surrounded them, processed the wood, which was abundant around them, in order to make wood carvings, objects of daily use and ecclesiastical works, with which they facilitated and embellished their lives or manifested their Orthodox faith.

The roots of wood carving in our country reach back to ancient mythology. The first Greek wood carvings in antiquity were the xoana, which represented deities or human figures carved on rounded pieces of tree trunks or boards. The characteristics of the xoana style were linear representations, the stylization of the figures on large surfaces without details. Wood-carved xoana do not survive, due to the deterioration that the wood undergoes over time, but there are related representations on various vases that have been found in places of worship. The mythical Daedalus, whose name means composed, elaborate, complex, was not only an architect but also an innovative woodcarver. In his hands, the unartful and primitive xoana escaped from immobility and acquired free movement. He freed the arms from the body, separated the legs from each other and added the features of the eye, giving the small statue expressiveness. The Trojan Horse, through the descriptions in the Iliad, as well as the chrysanthemum statues, which were carved wood covered with gold and ivory leaves, are well-known works in ancient Greek history, which testify to the occupation with the art of wood carving[2].

Folk wood carving gave us valuable works, in which we can see the course of post-Byzantine art, as expressed through the original artistic mood and spontaneity of famous and anonymous folk craftsmen. Comparing the development of the arts in the Greek space, one finds that the Greeks who lived in areas under Venetian rule as in Crete and the islands, they were privileged, which is why they easily cultivated the arts and letters, unlike those who lived in Ottoman areas.

​      Read more :


Antonios Kryonis

Developmental consultant with an orientation in the organization & development of human systems. Psychotherapist, family therapist and coordinator of systemic representation. Trainer of the cooperative-non-violent-martial art Aikido, member of the SCT Institute, Systems centered Training.

Communication is not just an exchange of opinions or information. It can be a 'community' meeting to explore a thoughtful change of our future through our work of mindfulness in the present.

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