Through the perspective of personal selfishness, each person constructs a model of how the world works, as well as himself within it, with the help of which he perceives facts and situations, predicts the future and constructs his plans.

There is generally lack of interest in an unbiased perception of things "as they are", as real events. More likely, our attention is on the split, bound by our previous impressions that unconsciously ultimately determine our actions and reactions.
Our perception is usually imprisoned, influenced by the basic characteristic of bonds, which is the acceptance or not of others, those we want to associate with and depend on.
Clear perception is a prerequisite for being able to see the real facts, the ones that most people do not usually see. This means a necessary condition required to become insightful & intuitive.
There is a relationship between clear perception and capacity within us. When we can initially accommodate our own feelings, emotions and dynamic intense situations, then we have room for others and their own feelings. Then we have taken a big step. Our capacity also allows others to feel comfortable, to connect, to open parts of themselves that they have not explored and to see what it is like to exist with them in their relationship with others.
All our physical or mental actions must have a temporary form as they emerge. Only then, we feel alive and full of energy.
In order to be able to perceive events as they are, we need to be connected to the flow of the universal power of life. Individually, this refers to how much we can feel and how much we allow power to pass through us, without disconnecting. It matters how sensitive we are ultimately to these flow movements, remaining in unity in our presence.
Our encounter with the potential of an event creates psychological experiences for us (e.g. emotions, feelings, beliefs, thoughts, etc.).
Our encounters with particularly strong emotions, feelings and situations, such as anger, rage, sadness, excitement, the feeling that we are collapsing, that we are excited, or empty, etc., find their place within us or not. Then we can include them or not, we respond or react.
As we experience these psychological states, if we have not properly trained ourselves, the simple reaction prevails. We discharge them externally, filling ourselves with intensity, or on the other hand, we withdraw, slipping into a passivity, creating internal conflicts.
Someone who fully responds is like the image of someone surfing and being constantly on top of the wave, taking advantage of the power that carries him. On the contrary, someone who just reacts, lets the power be lost and passes him like a wave, or else he reacts, fights with the waves to be saved or even worse drowns. In this game of forces our energies are either carried away by the waves or serve the motion.
Similarly, the mysterious game of the dynamics of the unconscious is experienced internally or externally as a movement. Body, thoughts and feelings need to have the same high arousal in a unity and an existential alertness. Only then is there a perceptual sensitivity to all internal or external stimuli, in connection with the life-giving force. This is ultimately expressed by us and manifested as creativity and giftedness through an excess of energy.
As in the movie "Star Wars", "Obi van Canobi" is the one who fits and is completely receptive, he feels and feels the whole galaxy as his body and feels the slightest change of power, so this ocean feeling (unconscious) is a section that is connected to everything.
The space between stimulus and reaction is the space of feeling, the space where a form of vitality emerges. The form of vitality according to Daniel Stern (Psychiatrist - Psychoanalyst) has 5 basic characteristics, Space, time, movement, direction and power. In this way we are psychologically and energetically connected to life and we can find the true meaning of a situation, the event through the sense and the feeling we experience. Thus we develop this acute perception, necessary for insight and then intuition. This overall understanding is very important as the awareness of experience.
As we said above the importance of psychological events and situations is related to how much we feel accepted in our relationships with important others.
By developing the capacity within us, at the same time our receptivity develops. The process is parallel.
We need to gradually become more receptive to things and situations that before would make us react. Our receptivity is always associated with a new stimulus. We are receptive when we allow stimuli internally or externally to act on us. There is great difficulty as we simply react because we remain unacceptable and proud.
Receptivity is associated with humility and deep empathy. When we are receptive we experience a great closeness and unity through the vitality that pervades us as a potential us and the others.
No receptivity is a projection on external reality and is related to personal selfishness and unconscious pride which is another form and expression of unconscious shame and guilt. Two emotions that literally limit us, drown us in the ocean of the unconscious when we do not explore them and do not react to them consciously.
Receptivity includes everything, joy and pain with pain as the development of endurance and continuity.
Receptivity is a state in which our attention is fluid, not bound by our prior knowledge and our expectations, as we see things in relation to the context that exists and not independently. Although we do not know what will follow, we remain receptive to realizing it, experiencing the event and not giving our own meaning to the situations by living a fantasy.
So let our only concern be this conscious renunciation of the known. Only through this resignation can a different reality emerge for us.
There are two qualities of perception:
a. The usual perception, where we push ourselves externally to move forward without realizing that we are just reacting. This will make a change, but when the pressure is off, things will return to normal.
b. The clear perception, where we are receptive to creating a dynamic empty space within us, to fit events and situations, especially those we do not like, without reacting allowing them to penetrate inside us and act on us.
We can think of the concept of potential within us as follows:
When we push a door (mind) from the outside to remain open by amplifying the external driving forces, we create equal and proportional pressure and reaction from the inside that closes the door each time. Working with the relaxation of the internal resistances we are constantly receptive, we create an internal vacuum, more capacity develops based on the vacuum and the door collapses permanently inwards from this internal dynamic vacuum, created by the permanent pressure difference.
Receptivity releases the power of attention and accepts the totality of the moment. We need to see the whole thing at all times. This clear perception has no purpose, no effort, we just live the fact, that is, we just experience everything based on the senses.
When Albert Einstein was asked if he thinks in pictures or words he replied:
"With neither. I think with forces and volumes that move in space and time. I do not understand what is happening, except when I see it or feel it in my body as part of my senses, then I can write a formula."