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What’s your mentality?

Mentality is psycho synthesis, it is our way of thinking that determines our behavior and action.

Everyone in today's world has and lives with a philosophy, a way in which one organizes his energy internally and externally. Internally with his feelings, ideas, visions and externally based on his reality, that is, according to how he interacts with the stimuli that come before him. Depending on his own assessment of the meaning of the above, he is thrown into one or into other action.

But most of the time we perceive this mentality as something personal and individual. We say, for example, this is how I am, this is how I think, this is my way.

When we are interacting with an individual, or with a group of people, then we can see that our mentality is influenced by others and theirs is influenced by us. In other words, the mentality is not static but something that changes. This change can be developmental, self-recurring, or sometimes even catastrophic.

Let me tell you a story:

There was once a Christian priest, who served with great devotion in Greece his congregants and the seniors. But he had heard that in the East, especially in India, there were also some Saints and sages, who he always felt inside that he would like to travel and meet.

But as his duties were many, he never found the time. As in his later years he was ready to retire, he decided it was time.

So, he traveled to India, found himself in the Himalayas and looked for someone who was enlightened. By word of mouth he learned that there was a very wise man living in a cave on the mountain. His students and those who wanted to see him visited him there.

As he was getting older, he climbed the mountain with difficulty and reached the cave. There he found the sage absorbed in deep meditation. He sat as usual respectfully next to him, until the sage opened his eyes.

Then the priest said to him with enthusiasm and some intensity:

"I traveled from Greece and came here, as a question inside me asks for an answer: What is Life?"

The wise man answered:

"Life is like the scent of jasmine, which carries the breeze on a summer night"

The priest, disappointed, wondered:

"But what nonsense are you saying, my spiritualist tells me that life is misery and pain - agony and suffering and better not to worry about it"

The wise man said:

"Well, that was his life!"

So with this story we understand that mentality is the way we meet life. But life as a whole is the same for everyone. This separation that we often make and say your life - my life, is valid to some degree. Life itself is non-discriminatory and has its own ways and rules, regardless of our level of understanding and mentality.

The good news here is that we are able to change mentality as we said above, if we want to, by developing the tool of understanding. This usually happens when we are at an intermediate level of understanding, that of interacting with others. In fact, our relationships can become the tool for changing our mindset. As we come into contact and interact, one deeply influences the other.

Our emotions and our psychology is one of the most important chapters, more specifically is highly important the knowledge of how they work and affect us. Their purpose, practice and gaining control of their regulation, is like learning to drive. Before you gain the ability to drive, you find it difficult, then just driving is a natural function. Something similar applies to emotions and of course you can only overcome what you have conquered. You cannot drive a bus when you do not even have a simple car license.

In addition, our physical presence in a place, in a natural or human environment, also deeply affects us. Our profession for example, our hobbies, the place we spend our time, also affects our mentality.

Considering all the above we understand that the development of our way of thinking is organized by parameters such as psychological, physical and mental conditions. The conscious effort for development and exploration in human beings is that which has no limit unlike other living creatures. However, this change scares us, since we are human beings who want and seek certainty. We want to live as if we know what will happen next, but the truth is that we can never be sure of what will really happen next.

Having a particular way of thought can develop and organize one's skills in order to be able to handle life challenges. Of course, we cannot expect from someone who is 60 or 70 years old to deal with it for the first time. In a younger period, especially from 18 to 30 years old, it seems the ideal age to organize oneself at this psychological level. Of course, it is not disadvantageous for someone to be disorganized. One can live like this, but he remains at the level of survival with all the fears and anxieties that this entails. Someone who works to transform himself changes his way of thinking slowly and methodically.

From the perspective that “I think as an individual”, follows the “I think as a member of a group or a community” and from the group member position, “I learn to think as a member of humanity”. Transformation comes when my perception ceases to be individual, but I think in terms of communication systems. The mentality is also largely related to my ideas that drive me into action and how vulnerable I am to this trend. Ideas produce an external way of life. Imitation is very common as a permanent state of life. The idea for example and the image we have of ourselves, most of the time takes the place of who we really are.

In conclusion, we need to organize our internal and external functions into a single whole, where the three areas are:

  • The physical senses and the body in general.

  • The world of our emotions.

  • Our rational thinking, meaning and image, which is the most evolutionary of all.

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